All Area Codes - United States, Canada & International
This page lists all area codes for the United States (including US Territories), Canada, and the Caribbean. The area code data on this page is obtained from the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) and updated on a regular basis. Click on an area code to obtain more information about a specific area code, including the most reported phone numbers.
Last Updated: September 2024
United States Area Codes
United States Territories Area Codes
State / Region | Area Codes |
American Samoa | 684 |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | 670 |
Washington, D.C. | 202, 771 |
Guam | 671 |
Puerto Rico | 787, 939 |
Virgin Islands | 340 |
Canada Area Codes
State / Region | Area Codes |
Alberta | 368, 403, 587, 780, 825 |
British Columbia | 236, 250, 257, 604, 672, 778 |
Manitoba | 204, 431 |
Ontario | 226, 249, 289, 343, 365, 382, 416, 437, 519, 548, 613, 647, 683, 705, 742, 753, 807, 905, 942 |
Quebec | 263, 354, 367, 418, 438, 450, 468, 514, 579, 581, 819, 873 |
Saskatchewan | 306, 474, 639 |
Caribbean Area Codes
State / Region | Area Codes |
Anguilla | 264 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 268 |
Bahamas | 242 |
Barbados | 246 |
Bermuda | 441 |
British Virgin Islands | 284 |
Cayman Islands | 345 |
Dominica | 767 |
Dominican Republic | 809, 829, 849 |
Grenada | 473 |
St. Kitts and Nevis | 869 |
St. Lucia | 758 |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | 784 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 868 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 649 |
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What is an area code?
An area code is a three-digit number that is used to designate a specific geographical region in the United States and other countries in North America. It is placed in front of a seven-digit phone number to make a complete phone number. For example, the area code for a phone number in New York City is 212, and the complete phone number would be 212-555-1212. Area codes are used to route phone calls to the correct location, and each area code can be assigned to multiple cities or regions. Some area codes are specific to a single city or state, while others cover a larger area or an entire country.
How are Area Codes created and managed?
The North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) is responsible for the administration of area codes in the United States. NANPA is managed by a private company, Somos Inc, who serves as the ambassador of area codes and periodically assesses the need for new area codes and implements them as required. The introduction of new area codes can happen every few years in a given region, but the exact frequency varies widely state to state. Nationwide, new area codes might be added or planned several times a year across different regions to accommodate the need for more phone numbers based on population growth.
Understanding Area Code Results
Every area code page contains specific information about the area code itself, including additional information such as:
Time Zone: The current time zone for the area code.
Parent NPA: Some areas have overlapping area codes. If an area code geographically contains multiple smaller geographic regions that have their own area code, then the larger area code is considered the parent.
Relief Planning in Progress: Indicates that NANPA is in the process of assigning new area codes to the geographical area due to heavy usage.
In Service Date: The date that the area code was established by NANPA.

Example of two area codes, one parent (602) and one child (480). In this instance, 602 was the original area code for the region until it was expanded to cover additional geographical range.
How Many Area Codes are there in the United States?
The United States, including its territories, is served by a large number of area codes within the North American Numbering Plan (NANP).There are currently 320 active area codes in the United States(this includes the two area codes assigned to Washington D.C.). There are additional codes assigned to US territories, Canada, and countries in the Caribbean. US territories with their own area codes include: Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Each of these territories has at least one area code, bringing the total number of area codes for US territories to a smaller number in comparison to the entire United States. New area codes are assigned based on the demand for telephone numbers within a geographic region. The frequency of new area code assignments can vary significantly and is influenced by several factors, including population growth, the proliferation of cell phones and other devices requiring unique numbers, and the rate at which available numbers within an existing area code are being exhausted.

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