Area Code Details for: 913








Kansas (KS)
Time Zone
Parent NPA
Relief Planning in Progress
In Service Date
January 1, 1947

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66018De Soto, KSJohnson
66213Overland Park, KSJohnson
66214Overland Park, KSJohnson
66016Cummings, KSAtchison
66012Bonner Springs, KSWyandotte
66010Blue Mound, KSLinn
66215Lenexa, KSJohnson
66014Centerville, KSAnderson
66013Bucyrus, KSMiami
66209Leawood, KSJohnson
66027Fort Leavenworth, KSLeavenworth
66026Fontana, KSMiami
66206Leawood, KSJohnson
66207Overland Park, KSJohnson
66208Prairie Village, KSJohnson
66211Leawood, KSJohnson
66020Easton, KSLeavenworth
66212Overland Park, KSJohnson
66023Effingham, KSAtchison
66210Overland Park, KSJohnson
66021Edgerton, KSJohnson
66222Mission, KSJohnson
66221Overland Park, KSJohnson
66223Overland Park, KSJohnson
66225Overland Park, KSJohnson
66224Overland Park, KSJohnson
66220Lenexa, KSJohnson
66216Shawnee, KSJohnson
66002Atchison, KSAtchison
66217Shawnee, KSJohnson
66219Lenexa, KSJohnson
66218Shawnee, KSJohnson
66226Shawnee, KSJohnson
66285Lenexa, KSJohnson
66283Overland Park, KSJohnson
66286Shawnee, KSJohnson
66007Basehor, KSLeavenworth
66767Prescott, KSLinn
66282Overland Park, KSJohnson
66250Lenexa, KSJohnson
66227Lenexa, KSJohnson
66251Overland Park, KSJohnson
66276Shawnee Mission, KSJohnson
66276Lenexa , KSJohnson
66205Mission, KSJohnson
66103Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66104Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66102Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66097Winchester, KSJefferson
66101Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66105Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66053Louisburg, KSMiami
66052Linwood, KSLeavenworth
66109Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66106Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66054Mc Louth, KSJefferson
66063Olathe, KSJohnson
66064Osawatomie, KSMiami
66062Olathe, KSJohnson
66056Mound City, KSLinn
66061Olathe, KSJohnson
66071Paola, KSMiami
66085Stilwell, KSJohnson
66086Tonganoxie, KSLeavenworth
66083Spring Hill, KSJohnson
66072Parker, KSLinn
66075Pleasanton, KSLinn
66117Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66118Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66115Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66112Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66113Edwardsville, KSWyandotte
66119Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66203Shawnee, KSJohnson
66204Overland Park, KSJohnson
66202Mission, KSJohnson
66160Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66201Mission, KSJohnson
66041Lancaster, KSAtchison
66040Linn Valley, KSLinn
66043Lansing, KSLeavenworth
66051Olathe, KSJohnson
66048Leavenworth, KSLeavenworth
66040La Cygne , KSLinn
66111Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66030Gardner, KSJohnson
66031New Century, KSJohnson
66110Kansas City, KSWyandotte
66036Hillsdale, KSMiami
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